Beausoleil White Wine 750ml

Beausoleil White Wine 750ml

Beausoleil White Wine 750ml

Grapes Variety: Bannati
Description: A unique Egyptian single grape variety Bannati, from Upper Egypt.
Tasting Note: Golden lemon color, with aromas of honey and melon, long toasty finish of vanilla flavor.
Alcohol Content: 12.5%
Serving Temperature: 10-12 °C
Available in: 750ml bottle / 6 units per case & 187ml /48 units per case
Bronze Medal at Challenge Millésime Bio, Montpellier-France/ Silver Medal at Concours Mondial, Bruxelles / Commended Medal at Decanter World Wine Awards, 2016, London

2023 MedalCommended small
Awarded a Commended Award by the Judges at International Wine Challenge 2023

300.00 EGP

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